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Anglicko-slovenský slovník

Slovak-English translation for: voda-voda
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Dictionary Slovak English: voda voda

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

voda {f}water
geol. hydrol. adsorpčná voda {f}adsorption water
hydrol. brakická voda {f}brackish water
chém. med. brómová voda {f}bromine water
chlórová voda {f}chlorine water
potr. cukrová voda {f}sugar water
dažďová voda {f}rainwater
hydrol. dažďová voda {f}stormwater
destilovaná voda {f}distilled water
kozmet. kolínska {f} vodaCologne water [eau de Cologne]
hydrol. mäkká voda {f}soft water
minerálna voda {f}mineral water
morská voda {f}salt water
hydrol. morská voda {f}sea water
hydrol. morská voda {f}seawater
mydlová voda {f}soapy water
gastr. nesýtená voda {f}still water
ekol. odpadová voda {f}sewage
ekol. odpadová voda {f}waste water
ekol. odpadová voda {f}wastewater
hydrol. odtoková voda {f}runoff water
kozmet. pleťová voda {f}face lotion
anat. plodová voda {f}amniotic fluid
med. plodová voda {f}waters {pl} [coll.] [amniotic fluid]
geol. podložná voda {f}underlying water
hydrol. pôdna voda {f}soil water
geol. hydrol. podpovrchová voda {f}subsurface water
geol. hydrol. podzemná voda {f}ground water
hydrol. podzemná voda {f}groundwater
hydrol. povrchová voda {f}surface water
hydrol. pramenistá voda {f}spring water
hydrol. pramenitá voda {f}spring water
geol. hydrol. priesaková voda {f}seepage water
hydrol. sladká voda {f}fresh water
hydrol. slaná voda {f}salt water
hydrol. slaná voda {f}sea water
hydrol. slaná voda {f}seawater
námor. splavná voda {f}fairway
geol. hydrol. spodná voda {f}ground water
geol. hydrol. spodná voda {f}groundwater
hydrol. stojatá voda {f}billabong [Aus.]
hydrol. studničná voda {f}well water
potr. sýtená voda {f}aerated water
tečúca voda {f}running water
hydrol. tvrdá voda {f}hard water
kozmet. stom. ústna voda {f}mouth rinse
kozmet. ústna voda {f}mouthwash
HasZách hydrol. záplavová voda {f}floodwater
Keywords contained
gastr. neperlivá minerálna voda {f}still mineral water [Br.]
kozmet. voda {f} po holeníafter-shave
kozmet. voda {f} po holeníaftershave
gastr. voda {f} vo fľašibottled water
voda {f} z vodovodutap water
príslov. Tichá voda brehy myje.Still waters run deep.
voda {f} na mlyn n-ho [idióm]grist for / to sb.'s mill [idiom]
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