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Slovak-English translation for: that
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Dictionary Slovak English: that

Translation 1 - 50 of 257  >>

PRON1  that [demonstrative pronoun] | that | - ... 
PRON2  that [relative pronoun] | that | -
SYNO   thereto | to it | to that
kerý {pron} [západosl. reg.]that
ktorý {pron} <kt.>that
{pron} [f]that
ten {pron} [m]that
to {pron} [n]that
že {conj}that
2 Words: Others
dokonca ...... at that
navyše ...... at that
(ešte) k tomu ...... at that
ba aj / i ...... at that
ba ešte aj / i ...... at that
nato {adv}after that
potom {adv}after that
zatým {adv} [zast.]after that
berúc do úvahy, žeconsidering that
vzhľadom na to, že {conj}considering that
s ohľadom na to, že {conj}considering that
Predstav si!Fancy that!
vzhľadom na to, že ...given that ...
ak vezmeme do úvahy, že ...given that ...
znak toho, že ...indication that
takto [takým spôsobom]like that
pokiaľ {conj}provided (that)
pod podmienkou žeprovided (that)
za predpokladu žeprovided (that)
Nezabudni na to.Remember that.
tak ..., žeso ... that
taký ..., žeso ... that
aby {conj}so that
preto, aby {conj}so that
kvôli tomu, abyso that
povedzme že ...supposing (that) ...
dajme tomu že ...supposing (that) ...
za predpokladu že ...supposing (that) ...
toľkothat much
toľme [zast.] [ľud.]that much
tadiaľ {adv}that way
takthat way [thus]
Výborne.That's better.
To je lepšie.That's better.
To je hnus!That's disgusting!
To je humus! [ľud.]That's disgusting!
To je odporné!That's disgusting!
To stačí!That's enough!
dosť!That's enough!
To je ohromná sranda!That's hilarious!
A dosť!That's it!
Koniec!That's it!
Stačilo!That's it!
To je na smiech!That's laughable!
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