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Slovak-English translation for: tam-o\'-shanter
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Dictionary Slovak English: tam o ' shanter

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odev škótska baretka {f} [s brmbolcom]tam-o'-shanter
Partial Matches
hudba tamtam {m}tam-tam [drum]
tam {adv}there
tam {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect]
geogr. Transantarktické vrchy {pl}Transantarctic Mountains {pl} <TAM>
tam a späť {adv}to and fro
sem-tam {adv} [občas]now and then
Straší tam.The place is haunted.
Kto je tam?Who is there?
sem a tam {adv}backwards and forwards
tam a späť {adv}back and forth
tam a späť {adv}backwards and forwards
tu a tam {adv}now and then
lietať (sem a tam) [nedok.]to flit
doprava turist. cesta {f} tam a späťreturn journey
sem-tam {adv} [občas]every now and again
sem-tam {adv} [občas]every now and then
sem-tam {adv} [občas]from time to time
Je tam toho. [ľud.]Big deal. [coll.]
sem a tam {adv}hither and thither [dated]
sem a tam {adv} [rôznymi smermi]to and fro
tu a tam {adv}every now and again
tu a tam {adv}every now and then
tu a tam {adv}from time to time
Čo tam po ňom!Never mind him!
Čo tam po tom!Never mind that!
doprava turist. cesta {f} tam a späťround trip [Am.]
bez toho, aby o tom n-o vedelunbeknownst to sb.
sem-tam {adv} [občas, nie často]every so often
sem-tam {adv} [občas](every) once in a while
sem a tam {adv} [rôznymi smermi]back and forth
sem a tam {adv} [rôznymi smermi]up and down
kde bolo, tam boloonce upon a time
len tu a tam {adv}few and far between
tam {adv} [ďalej, v diaľke, na druhej strane ap.]beyond
tu a tam {adv} [občas, nie často]every so often
Ako sa tam dostanem?How do I get there?
pobiehať (sem a tam) [nedok.] [náhlivo]to bustle around / about
Je tam toho. [ľud.]What's the big deal? [coll.]
Sme znova tam, kde sme boli.We're back to square one. [idiom]
chém. kyslík {m} <O>oxygen <O>
tu a tam {adv}(every) once in a while
ekon. spoločnosť {f} s ručením obmedzeným <spol. s r.o.; s.r.o.>limited liability company <LLC> [Am.]
o {prep} [+lok.]about
o {prep} [+lok.]concerning
o {prep} [+lok.]of
práca nadčas {m}overtime <O.T.>
o polnoci {adv}at midnight
Ó, bože!Oh, dear!
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