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Slovak-English translation for: self-learner
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Dictionary Slovak English: self learner

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vzdel. samouk {m}self-learner
Partial Matches
filoz. psych. ego {n}self
filoz. psych. ja {n}self
geogr. geol. šelf {m}shelf
vlastná osoba {f}self
egocentrický {adj}self-absorbed
sebaistý {adj}self-confident
sebavedomý {adj}self-confident
nesmelý {adj}self-conscious
rozpačitý {adj}self-conscious
nesmelo {adv}self-consciously
rozpačito {adv}self-consciously
samozvaný {adj} {past-p}self-proclaimed
samohybný {adj}self-propelled
farizejský {adj}self-righteous
pokrytecký {adj}self-righteous
prospechársky {adj}self-serving
vypočítavý {adj}self-serving
sebestačný {adj}self-sufficient
stav. samonosný {adj}self-supporting
vzdel. autodidaktický {adj}self-taught
samonaťahovací {adj}self-winding
sebadôvera {f}self-confidence
sebaistota {f}self-confidence
sebavedomie {n}self-confidence
sebakontrola {f}self-control
sebaovládanie {n}self-control
sebaklam {m}self-delusion
sebadisciplína {f}self-discipline
hrdosť {f}self-esteem
sebaúcta {f}self-esteem
psych. sebaláska {f}self-love
sebaľútosť {f}self-pity
um. autoportrét {m}self-portrait
samochvála {f}self-praise
sebazáchova {f}self-preservation
filoz. psych. sebareflexia {f}self-reflection
farizejstvo {n}self-righteousness
pokrytectvo {n}self-righteousness
obetavosť {f}self-sacrifice
sebaobetovanie {n}self-sacrifice
vzdel. sebavzdelávanie {n}self-study
sebestačnosť {f}self-sufficiency
sebaúcta {f}self-worth
sebazáchovný {adj}self-preservation [attr.]
falošný {adj} [pokrytecký]self-righteous
geogr. geol. kontinentálny šelf {m}continental shelf
sebaobrana {f}self-defence [Br.]
sebaobrana {f}self-defense [Am.]
um. vlastný portrét {m}self-portrait
falošnosť {f} [pokrytectvo]self-righteousness
ekon. práca živnostník {m}self-employed person
vzdel. samouk {m}self-taught man
vzdel. samouk {m}self-taught person
spôsobený sebe samému {adj}self-inflicted
spôsobený vlastným zavinením {adj}self-inflicted
hrdosť {f} [na seba]self-worth
biol. pud {m} sebazáchovyself-preservation instinct
pol. samozvaný vodca {m}self-proclaimed leader
voj. zbrane samohybná húfnica {f}self-propelled howitzer
um. maliar {m} samoukself-taught painter
hudba hráč {m} samoukself-taught player
byť samouk [nedok.]to be self-taught
práv. legitímna sebaobrana {f}legitimate self-defence [Br.]
práv. legitímna sebaobrana {f}legitimate self-defense [Am.]
psych. sebapoškodzovanie {n}self-harming behavior [Am.] <SHB>
psych. sebapoškodzovanie {n}self-harming behaviour [Br.] <SHB>
gastr. potr. múka {f} s prísadou kypriaceho práškuself-raising flour
gastr. potr. múka {f} s prísadou kypriaceho práškuself-rising flour [Am.]
pôsobiť sebavedome [nedok.]to give the impression of being self-confident
utápať sa v sebaľútosti [nedok.] [idióm]to wallow in self-pity [idiom]
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