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Slovak-English translation for: river valley
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Dictionary Slovak English: river valley

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

NOUN   a river valley | river valleys
geogr. riečne údolie {n}river valley
Partial Matches
geogr. dolina {f}valley
geogr. údolie {n}valley
údolný {adj}valley [attr.]
geogr. Dolina smrti {f}Death Valley
ľadovcové údolie {n}glacial valley
geol. riftové údolie {n}rift valley
geogr. geol. tróg {m}trough valley
hydrol. údolná priehrada {f}valley dam
geogr. geol. údolná niva {f}valley flat
geogr. geol. údolné dno {n}valley floor
geogr. geol. údolný svah {m}valley slope
geol. údolná terasa {f}valley terrace
geogr. Východoafrická priekopová prepadlina {f}Great Rift Valley
rieka {f}river
riečny {adj}river [attr.]
geogr. Amazonka {f}Amazon (River)
geogr. Amur {m}Amur (River)
geogr. Atabaska {f}Athabasca River
geogr. Šari {f}Chari River
geogr. Dunaj {m}Danube (River)
geogr. Dneper {m}Dnipro River
geogr. Emža {f}Ems (River)
geogr. Ganga {f}Ganges (River)
námor. splavná rieka {f}navigable river
geogr. hydrol. Odra {f}Oder River
hydrol. povodie {n} riekyriver basin
hydrol. riečisko {n}river bed
hydrol. riečisko {n}river channel
geogr. hydrol. riečna delta {f}river delta
geol. hydrol. riečny nános {m}river drift
hydrol. ústie {n} riekyriver mouth
námor. riečny prístav {m}river port
geol. hydrol. riečna terasa {f}river terrace
geogr. Šari {f}Shari River
geogr. Rieka {f} otrokovSlave River
geogr. Hadia rieka {f}Snake River
geogr. Vesera {f}Weser (River)
geogr. Žltá rieka {f}Yellow River
(dolu) po riekedown the river
po prúdedown the river
proti prúdu {adv}up the river
geogr. Rieka {f} svätého VavrincaSaint Lawrence River
zool. T
geogr. Amazonka {f}River Amazon [Br. usage]
geogr. Ganga {f}River Ganges [Br. usage]
hydrol. rameno {n} riekyarm of a river
zool. T
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