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Slovak-English translation for: je!
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Dictionary Slovak English: je

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[ono] jeit's [it is]
jethere is
n-o/ n-čo jesb./sth. is
2 Words: Others
A je to!Done! [Finished!]
Čo je?What's the dilly? [coll.]
Čo je? [ľud.]What's up? [coll.]
Je koniec.It's over.
je načase [správny čas]it's about time
meteor. Je slnečno.It's sunny.
meteor. Je veterno.It's windy.
meteor. Je zamračené.It's cloudy.
meteor. Je zamračené.It is overcast.
3 Words: Others
... a je to!... and Bob's your uncle! [Br.] [coll.]
A je to tu!Here we go!
A vec je vybavená.That takes care of that.
Čo ti je?What's wrong with you?
Čo ti je?What's the matter with you?
Je hlboká noc.It's the middle of the night.
Je mi čudne.I feel out of sorts.
Je mi nanič. [Je mi zle od žalúdka.]I feel queasy.
med. Je mi nevoľno.I feel nauseated.
Je mi nevoľno.I feel unwell.
Je mi nevoľno.I don't feel well.
med. Je mi nevoľno. [od žalúdka]I feel sick.
Je mi zima.I'm cold.
Je mi zima.I feel chilly.
med. Je mi zle.I feel nauseated.
med. Je mi zle.I feel nauseous.
med. Je mi zle.I feel sick.
je možné, že ...chances are (that) ...
je nádej, že ...chances are (that) ...
Je najvyšší čas. [idióm]It is high time. [idiom]
Je po všetkom.It's all over.
meteor. Je pod mrakom.It's cloudy.
Je pravda, že ...Admittedly, ...
je pravdepodobné, že ...chances are (that) ...
Je tam toho. [ľud.]Big deal. [coll.]
Je tam toho. [ľud.]What's the big deal? [coll.]
Je to pravda.It's true.
Je tu čisto.It's clean here.
Je tu frmol. [ľud.]It's all go here. [Br.] [Aus.]
je zbytočné robiť n-čoit is no use doing sth.
je zbytočné robiť n-čothere is no use (in) doing sth.
Jedno je isté.One thing is certain.
Koľko je hodín?What time is it?
Kto je tam?Who is there?
telekom. Linka je obsadená.Line is busy. [Am.]
telekom. Linka je obsadená.Line is engaged. [Br.]
Nie je šanca!Not a hope! [coll.]
Nie je šanca!Not a hope in hell! [coll.]
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