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Slovak-English translation for: eye.
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Dictionary Slovak English: eye

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

NOUN   an eye | eyes/eyen [archaic]
VERB  to eye | eyed | eyed ... 
SYNO   to eye | to eyeball | eye | oculus ... 
očný {adj}eye [attr.]
pozorovať n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.]to eye sb./sth.
sledovať n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.] [pozorovať]to eye sb./sth.
pozerať sa na n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.] [pozorne]to eye sb./sth.
anat. oko {n} [lat. oculus]eye
bot. očko {n} [na zemiaku]eye [on a potato]
2 Words: Nouns
monokel {m} [ľud.] [krvná podliatina pod okom]black eye
med. podliate oko {n}black eye
med. modrina {f} pod okomblack eye
sinka {f} pod okomblack eye
stred {m} terčabull's eye
zásah {m} do čiernehobull's eye
orlí zrak {m}eagle eye
farba {f} okaeye color [Am.]
farba {f} okaeye colour [Br.]
očný kontakt {m}eye contact
kozmet. očný krém {m}eye cream
med. zraková chyba {f}eye disorder
farm. očné kvapky {pl}eye drops
med. páska {f} na okoeye patch
anat. očná jamka {f}eye socket
sklené oko {n}glass eye
sklenené oko {n}glass eye
očko {n}little eye
práca súkromné očko {n} [sl.] [súkromný detektív]private eye [coll.] [private detective]
schrupnutie {n}shut-eye [coll.]
šlofík {m} [ľud.]shut-eye [coll.]
spánok {m}shut-eye [coll.]
zdriemnutie {n}shut-eye [coll.]
3 Words: Nouns
vtáčia perspektíva {f}bird's eye view
bot. králik {m} [ľud.] [margaréta biela]ox-eye daisy [coll.]
let. nočný let {m}red-eye flight [Am.] [coll.]
slepecký pes {m}seeing-eye dog [Am.]
vodiaci pes {m} (pre nevidiach)seeing-eye dog [Am.]
4 Words: Others
slepý na jedno okoblind in one eye
voľným okom {adv}with the naked eye
4 Words: Verbs
vrhať lačné pohľady po n-kom/ n-čom [nedok.] [idióm]to cast one's eye on sb./sth. [idiom] [to covet sb. or sth.]
ulakomiť sa na n-ho/ n-čo [dok.]to cast one's eye on sb./sth. [idiom] [wish for and take something out of greed]
trafiť do čierneho [dok.] [aj obr.]to hit the bull's eye [also fig.]
strážiť n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.] [dozerať]to keep an eye on sb./sth. [idiom]
dozrieť na n-ho/ n-čo [dok.]to keep an eye on sb./sth. [idiom]
dávať pozor na n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.]to keep an eye on sb./sth. [idiom]
5+ Words: Others
kam (až) oko dovidí {adv} [idióm]as far as the eye can see [idiom]
mihom oka {adv} [idióm]in the wink of an eye [idiom]
v mihu (oka) {adv}in the wink of an eye [idiom]
viditeľný voľným okom {adj}visible to the unaided eye
5+ Words: Verbs
kam (až) oko dovidelo [idióm]as far as the eye could see [idiom]
kam (až) oko dovidí [idióm]as far as the eye could see [idiom]
bedlivo sledovať n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.]to keep a close eye on sb./sth. [idiom]
starostlivo n-čo strážiť [nedok.]to keep a wary eye on sth.
pozorovať n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.]to keep an eye out for sb./sth. [idiom]
sledovať n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.] [pozorovať]to keep an eye out for sb./sth. [idiom]
byť zajedno s n-ým (v n-čom) [nedok.]to see eye to eye with sb. (on sth.) [idiom]
prehliadať n-čo [nedok.] [nechcieť vidieť]to turn a blind eye to sth. [idiom]
prižmúriť oči nad n-čím [dok.] [idióm]to turn a blind eye to sth. [idiom]
5+ Words: Nouns
anat. očné bielko {n} [lat. sclera]the white of the eye
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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