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Slovak-English translation for: couldn\'t
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Dictionary Slovak English: couldn 't

Translation 1 - 50 of 116  >>

Keywords contained
Je mi to ukradnuté.I couldn't care less. [coll.]
Je mi to úplne fuk. [ľud.]I couldn't care less. [coll.]
Je mi to úplne jedno.I couldn't care less. [coll.]
Mám to na háku. [ľud.]I couldn't care less. [coll.]
Mám to v paži. [ľud.]I couldn't care less. [coll.]
Neveril som vlastným ušiam.I couldn't believe my ears.
Neveril som vlastným očiam.I couldn't believe my eyes.
Partial Matches
čo sa týka [+gen.]with respect to <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt>
pokiaľ ide o [+ak.]with respect to <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt>
vo vzťahu k [+dat.]with respect to <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt>
jednotka tona {f} <t>ton <t>
odev tričko {n}T-shirt
práca nadčas {m}overtime <O.T.>
biochém. treonín {m} <Thr, T>threonine <Thr, T>
biochém. tymín {m} <T, Thy>thymine <T, Thy>
Nechoď!Don't go!
Buď bez obáv!Don't worry!
Neboj sa! [Neobávaj sa!]Don't worry!
Nemaj boja! [ľud.]Don't worry!
Nerob si starosti!Don't worry!
Netráp sa!Don't worry!
do bodky {adv} [idióm]to a T [idiom]
navlas presne {adv}to a T [idiom]
čajová lyžička {f}tea spoon <tsp. / t.>
Nebuď smiešny!Don't be ridiculous!
Neblázni!Don't be silly!
Nebuď hlúpy!Don't be silly!
Nezakríkni to!Don't jinx it!
Nie je za čo.Don't mention it.
Niet za čo.Don't mention it.
To nestojí za reč. [po poďakovaní]Don't mention it.
Akoby som tu nebol.Don't mind me.
Nevšímaj si ma.Don't mind me.
Mne neďakujte.Don't thank me.
Neopováž sa!Don't you dare!
Opováž sa! [ironicky]Don't you dare!
Nespomínam si.I can't remember.
Je mi to jedno.I don't care.
To je mi fuk. [ľud.]I don't care.
Neviem.I don't know.
Nedbám. [Nie som proti.]I don't mind.
Nerozumiem.I don't understand.
To teda je! [dôrazný súhlas s vysloveným]Isn't it just?
Však je to tak? [dôrazný súhlas s vysloveným]Isn't it just?
Na tom nezáleží.It doesn't matter.
To je jedno.It doesn't matter.
To nevadí.It doesn't matter.
To nepôjde.This won't do.
Nič si z toho nerob!Don't sweat it! [coll.]
neprekáža mi n-čoI don't mind sth.
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