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Slovak-English translation for: aj
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Dictionary Slovak English: aj

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

Slovak English
ajas well
2 Words: Others
(aj ...) aj {conj}both ... and
Aj ja.Me, three. [idiom] [hum.] [Me, too.]
aj kebyeven if
aj keď {conj}albeit [formal]
aj keď {conj}although
aj keď {conj}though
aj keď {conj}even though
aj takanyway
aj tak {adv}regardless
aj takstill
aj takall the same
aj takjust the same
ako aj {conj}as well as
čo aj {conj} [zast.] [al. kniž.]although
čo aj {conj} [zast.] [al. kniž.](even) though
ešte (aj)in addition
ešte ajeven
aj {adv}immediately
aj {adv}instantly
aj {adv}promtly
aj {adv}this minute [coll.] [immediately, at once]
aj {adv} [okamžite]at once [immediately]
aj {adv} [okamžite]right now
aj {adv} [veľmi rýchlo]at the double [Br.] [coll.]
aj {adv} [veľmi rýchlo]on the double [Am.] [coll.]
3 Words: Others
aj napriek tomu {adv}notwithstanding
Aj tak ďakujem! [pri odmietnutí ponuky]Thanks anyway!
Aj tak ďakujem! [pri odmietnutí ponuky]Thanks all the same!
Aj tak ďakujem! [pri odmietnutí ponuky]Thanks just the same!
citát Aj ty, Brutus?Et tu, Brute? [William Shakespeare]
ale aj takwith that being said
Áno aj nie.Yes and no.
ba aj / i ...... at that
dokonca aj teraz {adv}even now
jeden aj druhýeither
4 Words: Others
(Aj) steny majú uši. [idióm]Walls have ears. [idiom]
Aj steny majú uši.Walls have ears.
ba ešte aj / i ...... at that
4 Words: Verbs
zhltnúť n-čo aj s navijakom [dok.] [idióm]to eat sth. up (totally) [idiom] [believe]
5+ Words: Others
príslov. Kto sa raz popáli, aj na studené fúka.Once bitten, twice shy.
Pomôž si, človeče, aj pánboh ti pomôže. [idióm]God helps those who help themselves. [idiom]
To platí aj pre teba.The same goes for you.
príslov. Topiaci sa (aj) slamky chytá.A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
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