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Slovak-English translation for: What is the matter
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Dictionary Slovak English: What is the matter

Translation 1 - 50 of 1758  >>

Čo sa deje?What is the matter?
Partial Matches
Čo sa deje?What's the matter?
Čo je (to) s tebou?What's the matter with you?
Čo ti je?What's the matter with you?
nech je, ako chceno matter what
v každom prípade {adv}no matter what
za každých okolností {adv}no matter what
navyšewhat is more
ba čo viac, ...and, what is more, ...
Aký je váš názor?What is your opinion?
Koľko je hodín?What time is it?
Akú to farbu?What color is it? [Am.]
Akú to farbu?What colour is it? [Br.]
O čo tu ide?What is it all about?
Načo je to (dobré)?What is it good for?
Čo to byť?What is it supposed to be?
O čom točí? [sl.]What is he on about? [Br.] [coll.]
dostať, čo komu patrí [dok.] [idióm] [zaslúžiť si, hl. niečo nepríjemné]to get what is coming to one [idiom]
Kde to viazne?What's the holdup?
Aký to zmysel?What's the point?
Načo je to dobré?What's the point?
Čo je?What's the dilly? [coll.]
Čo sa deje?What's the dilly? [coll.]
Aká je pravdepodobnosť, že ... ?What are the chances (that) ... ?
Je tam toho. [ľud.]What's the big deal? [coll.]
Čo to znamenať?What's the big idea? [coll.]
to pravé orechové [idióm]just what the doctor ordered [idiom]
Problém je (v tom), že ...The trouble is ...
Straší tam.The place is haunted.
Ide o to, že ...The point is that ...
problém je v tom, že...the problem is (that) ...
Vzduch je čistý. [idióm]The coast is clear. [idiom]
príslov. Hlad je najlepší kuchár.Hunger is the best sauce.
Stojí to za námahu?Is it worth the effort?
Podstatné je, že ...The bottom line is (that) ...
Potešenie je na mojej strane.The pleasure is all mine.
príslov. Kuj železo, kým je horúce.Strike while the iron is hot.
Základom čítania a písania je ...The ABC of reading and writing is ...
Najjednoduchší spôsob, ako to urobiť, je ...The easiest way to do it, is ...
Ten film je totálna nuda.The film is totally lame. [Am.] [sl.]
príslov. Aký strom, také ovocie.The tree is known by its fruit.
príslov. Čo môžeš urobiť dnes, neodkladaj na zajtra.There is no time like the present.
n-čo klope na dvere [idióm]sth. is around the corner [idiom] [soon to happen]
n-čo klope na dvere [idióm]sth. is round the corner [idiom] [soon to happen]
Karta sa obrátila. [idióm]The shoe is on the other foot. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
Situácia je opačná.Tthe shoe is on the other foot. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
príslov. Lepší vrabec v hrsti ako holub na streche.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
príslov. Lepší vrabec v hrsti ako zajac v chrasti.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
byť dôležitý [nedok.]to matter
mať význam [nedok.]to matter
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