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Anglicko-slovenský slovník

Slovak-English translation for: To nie je moja parketa
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To nie je moja parketa in other languages:

English - Slovak

Dictionary Slovak English: To nie je moja parketa

Translation 1 - 50 of 618  >>

To nie je moja parketa. [idióm]It's not my cup of tea. [idiom]
To nie je moja parketa. [idióm]That is not my department. [idiom]
Partial Matches
Nie je to najhoršie.Not too shabby. [coll.]
To nie je fér.It's (just) not cricket. [coll.]
To nie je potrebné.There is no need for it.
To nie je problém!No problem!
Nie je to nič svetoborné.It's no big deal. [coll.]
Nie je to nič svetoborné.It's no biggie. [coll.]
To ešte nie je všetko.There's more to it than that.
To nie je môj odbor.That is not my department. [idiom]
To nie je nič strašné.It's no biggie. [coll.]
To snáď nie je pravda!Oh, no, you don't!
To nič nie je. [To je ľahké.]There is nothing to it.
Nie je to (až) také zlé.Not too shabby. [coll.]
To (vôbec) nie je na zahodenie.That's not to be sniffed at.
To nie je nič pre mňa.It's not my cup of tea. [idiom]
To nie je nič pre mňa.It's not my scene. [coll.] [idiom]
To nie je podľa môjho gusta.It's not my cup of tea. [idiom]
To nie je žiadne umenie. [idióm]There is nothing to it. [idiom]
To nie je (žiadne) umenie. [To je ľahké.]There is nothing to it.
To nie je problém! [pri prosbe o pomoc]It's no bother! [Br.]
To nie je na mne. [ľud.] [O tom nerozhodujem ja.]It's not my call. [coll.] [It's not my decision.]
To snáď nie!Oh, no, you don't!
Nie je šanca!Not a hope in hell! [coll.]
Nie je šanca!Not a hope! [coll.]
To hádam nie! [údiv]Well, I never!
To hádam nie! [údiv]Well, I'll be!
Ešte nie je koniec.It's not over yet.
Nie je mi dobre.I am not feeling well.
Nie je mi dobre.I don't feel well.
Nie je mi dobre.I'm not very well.
Nie je za čo!No problem! [coll.] [You are welcome!]
Nie je za čo.Anytime. [You're welcome.]
Nie je za čo.Don't mention it.
Nie je za čo.Think nothing of it. [idiom] [You are welcome.]
Nie je za čo.You are welcome.
Nikdy nie je neskoro.It's never too late.
ak nie je uvedené inakunless otherwise stated
Niečo nie je v poriadku.There is something amiss.
Do toho ťa nič nie je!That's none of your beeswax!
Do toho ťa nič nie je.That's none of your business.
Niečo tu nie je v poriadku.Something is not right (here).
Niečo tu nie je v poriadku.Something is off (here).
Niečo tu nie je v poriadku.Something is wrong (here).
Na tom nič nie je. [Je to ľahké.]There's nothing to it. [It is very simple, easy etc.]
Na tom nič nie je. [To je ľahké.]There is nothing to it.
Na tom nie je ani zbla pravdy.There's not a jot of truth in it.
Nie je sa veľmi na čo pozerať.There's not much to look at. [coll.] [idiom]
príslov. Nie je všetko zlato, čo sa blyští.All that glitters is not gold.
príslov. Keď kocúr nie je doma, myši majú hody.When the cat's away, the mice will play.
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