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Anglicko-slovenský slovník

Slovak-English translation for: It's no biggie
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Dictionary Slovak English: It's no biggie

Translation 1 - 50 of 1820  >>

Nie je to nič svetoborné.It's no biggie. [coll.]
O nič nejde.It's no biggie. [coll.]
To nie je nič strašné.It's no biggie. [coll.]
Partial Matches
Bez problémov!No biggie! [coll.]
Jasné! [ľud.]No biggie! [coll.]
Maličkosť!No biggie! [coll.]
Nič sa nedeje!No biggie! [coll.]
V pohode! [ľud.]No biggie! [coll.]
Žiadny problém! [ľud.]No biggie! [coll.]
To nie je problém! [pri prosbe o pomoc]It's no bother! [Br.]
O nič nejde.It's no big deal.
Nie je to nič svetoborné.It's no big deal. [coll.]
nemá význam robiť n-čoit's no good doing sth.
nemá zmysel robiť n-čoit's no good doing sth.
Na tom nezáleží.It makes no difference.
To je jedno.It makes no difference.
To máš jedno. [ľud.]It makes no difference.
Nedáva to zmysel.It makes no sense.
To ma vôbec neprekvapuje.It is no surprise to me.
je zbytočné robiť n-čoit is no use doing sth.
nemá cenu robiť n-čoit is no use doing sth.
nemá význam / zmysel robiť n-čoit is no use doing sth.
To nie je potrebné.There is no need for it.
Nedá sa nič robiť. [Niet iného východiska.]There is no way around it.
To je úplne normálne. [očakávané, bežné, nič mimoriadne]It's all in a day's work. [idiom]
To je na dennom poriadku. [idióm]It's all in the day's work. [idiom]
Rado sa stalo! [po poďakovaní]It was no bother! [Br.] [You are welcome!]
Nedá sa odhadnúť, ...There's no telling ...
Nemožno s istotou povedať, ...There's no telling ...
Nikdy neviete, ...There's no telling ...
hlaváč {m} [han.] [človek s vysokým postavením]biggie [coll.]
potentát {m}biggie [coll.]
veľké zviera {n} [idióm] [vplyvný človek]biggie [coll.]
nemá zmysel robiť n-čothere's no point in doing sth.
meteor. Je pod mrakom.It's cloudy.
meteor. Je zamračené.It's cloudy.
To je dobrota!It's delicious!
Nič sa nedeje.It's OK.
To je v poriadku.It's OK.
V pohode. [ľud.] [To je v poriadku.]It's OK.
Je koniec.It's over.
To nemá význam.It's pointless.
meteor. Je slnečno.It's sunny.
Je to pravda.It's true.
meteor. Fúka vietor.It's windy.
meteor. Je veterno.It's windy.
A dosť!That's it!
Koniec!That's it!
Stačilo!That's it!
[ono] jeit's [it is]
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