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Slovak-English translation for: Don't
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Dictionary Slovak English: Don't

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NOUN   don't | don'ts
Nechoď!Don't go!
Neboj sa! [Neobávaj sa!]Don't worry!
Nemaj boja! [ľud.]Don't worry!
Netráp sa!Don't worry!
Buď bez obáv!Don't worry!
Nerob si starosti!Don't worry!
3 Words: Others
Nebuď smiešny!Don't be ridiculous!
Neblázni!Don't be silly!
Nebuď hlúpy!Don't be silly!
Nezakríkni to!Don't jinx it!
Niet za čo.Don't mention it.
Nie je za čo.Don't mention it.
To nestojí za reč. [po poďakovaní]Don't mention it.
Nevšímaj si ma.Don't mind me.
Akoby som tu nebol.Don't mind me.
Nič si z toho nerob!Don't sweat it! [coll.]
Mne neďakujte.Don't thank me.
Neopováž sa!Don't you dare!
Opováž sa! [ironicky]Don't you dare!
Je mi to jedno.I don't care.
To je mi fuk. [ľud.]I don't care.
Neviem.I don't know.
neprekáža mi n-čoI don't mind sth.
Nedbám. [Nie som proti.]I don't mind.
Nerozumiem.I don't understand.
Naozaj? [výraz prekvapenia] [aj ironicky]You don't say! [expressing surprise] [also ironic]
Nehovor! [výraz prekvapenia] [aj ironicky]You don't say! [expressing surprise] [also ironic]
Vážne? [výraz prekvapenia] [aj ironicky]You don't say! [expressing surprise] [also ironic]
Čo nepovieš? [výraz prekvapenia] [aj ironicky]You don't say! [expressing surprise] [also ironic]
No toto! [výraz prekvapenia]You don't say! [expressing surprise] [also ironic]
4 Words: Others
Nechci ma naštvať!Don't get me started! [Don't make me angry!]
Neteš sa!Don't hold your breath! [idiom]
Nerob si ilúzie.Don't hold your breath. [idiom]
Akoby som nevedel!Don't I know it!
Nezakríkni to!Don't speak too soon! [idiom]
Netráp sa tým!Don't worry about it!
Nerob si z toho ťažkú hlavu! [idióm]Don't worry about it!
Nechce sa mi ... [urobiť n-čo]I don't feel like ... [doing sth.]
Je mi nevoľno.I don't feel well.
Necítim sa dobre.I don't feel well.
Nie je mi dobre.I don't feel well.
Nechápem to.I don't get it. [coll.]
Neprekáža mi, ak ...I don't mind if ...
Neprekáža mi to.I don't mind it.
Nepotrebujem pomôcť.I don't need help.
Nemyslím.I don't think so.
Myslím, že nie.I don't think so.
Ani by som nepovedal.I don't think so.
Ja si to nemyslím.I don't think so.
To snáď nie!Oh, no, you don't!
To snáď nie je pravda!Oh, no, you don't!
5+ Words: Others
... ak sa smiem spýtať ...... if you don't mind me asking ...
Áno, rád. [odpoveď na ponuku](I) don't mind if I do.
príslov. Nechváľ deň pred večerom.Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
príslov. Nechváľ deň pred západom (slnka).Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
príslov. Nekrič hop, kým si nepreskočil.Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
príslov. Nesúď knihu podľa obalu.Don't judge a book by its cover.
Nedaj sa od neho odradiť.Don't let him discourage you.
Nenechajte sa oklamať.Don't let yourself be fooled.
ma to nebaví.I don't enjoy it anymore.
Je mi to fuk. [ľud.]I don't give a damn. [coll.]
To sa mi príliš nepozdáva.I don't like it very much.
Nemáš do toho čo hovoriť!You don't get a say (in this)! [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
Nemusíš to stále pripomínať.You don't have to rub it in. [coll.] [idiom]
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