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Slovak-English translation for: [way]
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Dictionary Slovak English: [way]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

ponížene {adv}abjectly [formal] [in a servile way]
pokorne {adv}abjectly [formal] [in a submissive way]
bystro {adv}adroitly [in a clever way]
strojený {adj}affected [speaking or behaving in an artificial way]
bohémsky {adj}bohemian [socially unconventional in an artistic way]
bezočivo {adv} [často sympaticky, šibalsky]cheekily [Br.] [often in a playful or appealing way ]
drzo {adv} [často šibalsky, sympaticky]cheekily [Br.] [often in a playful or appealing way ]
trúfalo {adv} [často šibalsky, sympaticky]cheekily [Br.] [often in a playful or appealing way ]
ťažkopádne {adv} [zložito, neefektívne]cumbersomely [in a complicated way, inefficiently]
zložito {adv} [hl. zbytočne]cumbersomely [in a complicated way]
ohromne {adv}devastatingly [in an impressive way]
úžasne {adv}devastatingly [in an impressive way]
neostro {adv}fuzzily [in a way that is not clear in shape]
starobylo {adv}quaintly [in an old-fashioned way]
pokojne {adv}quietly [in a peaceful way]
v pokoji {adv}quietly [in a peaceful way]
obstojne {adv}reasonably [in a fair way]
primerane {adv}reasonably [in a fair way]
celkom slušne {adv}reasonably [in a fair way]
skľúčene {adv}sadly [in a sad way]
skľúčeno {adv}sadly [in a sad way]
smutne {adv}sadly [in a sad way]
smutno {adv}sadly [in a sad way]
zmyslovo {adv}sensuously [in a way that refers to the senses]
zmyselne {adv}sensuously [in a way that shows attractiveness, esp. a sexual one]
úskočne {adv}sneakily [in a tricky way]
ticho {adv}softly [in a way that is not loud]
tlmene {adv}softly [in a way that is not too bright]
prem. vjazd {m} [spôsob vchádzania]access [way of entering by motor vehicles]
vstup {m} [spôsob vchádzania]access [way of entering]
cesta {f} [spôsob]avenue [way of access]
spôsob {m} [prístup]avenue [way of access]
spôsoby {pl}bearing [the way one behaves]
držanie {n} telabearing [the way one stands]
vystupovanie {n} [správanie]manner [way of acting]
pasáž {f} [priechod cez budovu; aj: časť diela]passage [narrow way through a building; also: part of a piece of work]
vychytávka {f} [sl.] [nápaditý trik, finta]trick [effective, clever or quick way of doing something]
nedbanlivosť {noun} [neporiadnosť]untidiness [of a person not doing things in a neat way]
neporiadnosť {f} [nedbanlivosť]untidiness [of a person not doing things in a neat way]
2 Words: Others
svojím spôsobom {adv}sort of [coll.] [in a way]
takto {adv}this way [in this way]
takýmto spôsobom {adv}this way [in this way]
2 Words: Verbs
potácať sa [nedok.]to bumble (around) [move in an unsteady way]
tackať sa [nedok.]to bumble (around) [move in an unsteady way]
blbnúť [nedok.] [ľud.] [bláznivo sa správať]to monkey about [Br.] [coll.] [behave in a silly way]
blázniť sa [nedok.]to monkey about [Br.] [coll.] [behave in a silly way]
blbnúť [nedok.] [ľud.] [bláznivo sa správať]to monkey around [coll.] [behave in a silly way]
blázniť sa [nedok.]to monkey around [coll.] [behave in a silly way]
pomaly kráčať [nedok.]to mosey (on) [coll.] [walk in a leisurely way]
vliecť sa [nedok.] [pomaly ísť]to mosey (on) [coll.] [walk in a leisurely way]
2 Words: Nouns
astron. veda galaktická astronómia {f}Galactic astronomy [the study of the Milky Way]
3 Words: Verbs
obchytkávať n-ho [nedok.] [hl. spôsobom, kt. je nevhodný al. nežiaduci]to be handsy with sb. [mostly in a way that is inappropriate or unwanted]
4 Words: Verbs
navážať sa do n-ho/ n-čoho [nedok.]to have a go at sb./sth. [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [critisize in an unfair way]
5+ Words: Others
Tak poď, nech si ťa vychutnám! [humorný spôsob ako ukázať osobe, kt. sa chce biť, že robí chybu]Go ahead, make my day! [a humorous way to show a person willing to fight it would be a big mistake]
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