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Slovak-English translation for: [small-minded]
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Dictionary Slovak English: [small minded]

Translation 1 - 50 of 84  >>

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duchom neprítomný {adj}abstracted [absent-minded]
nepozorný {adj} [duchom neprítomný]absent [absent-minded]
malý {adj}slim [small]
mizivý {adj} [malý]slim [small]
zool. parožtek {m}horn [small antler]
nábytok polička {f}shelf [small one]
fliačik {m}speck [small spot]
škvrnka {f}speck [small spot]
drobec {m}tot [small child]
okienko {n}window [small one]
hist. voj. zbrane falkoneta {f} [hist.]falconet [small cannon]
chata {f}lodge [small country house]
kopček {m}mound [small natural hill]
pahorok {m}mound [small natural hill]
zool. labka {f}paw [a small one]
zool. packa {f}paw [a small one]
tlapka {f}paw [a small one]
igelitové vrecko {n}polybag [small one]
štiepka {f}chip [small piece of wood]
zool. ťapka {f} [labka]paw [a small one]
kaluž {f}pool [small amount of liquid]
mláčka {f}pool [small amount of liquid]
mláka {f}pool [small amount of liquid]
drobec {m}shrimp [fig.] [hum.] [small child]
smietka {f}speck [small piece of dirt]
štiepka {f}splinter [small piece of wood]
štopeľ {m} [malé dieťa]tot [small child]
štupeľ {m} [malé dieťa]tot [small child]
žabec {m} [malé dieťa]tot [small child]
kvapkať [nedok.]to dribble [fall in small drops]
odkvapkávať [nedok.]to dribble [fall in small drops]
arch. komôrka {f}closet [small room for storing things]
hist. voj. zbrane falkón {m} [hist.] [malé delo]falcon [small cannon]
škvŕňa {n} [ľud.]shrimp [fig.] [hum.] [small child]
vodná spŕška {f}spray [water in small drops]
deco {n} [žart.] [malé dieťa]tot [small child]
špunt {m} [žart.] [malé dieťa]tot [small child]
špuntík {m} [malé dieťa]tiny tot [small child]
štoplík {m} [malé dieťa]tiny tot [small child]
štuplík {m} [malé dieťa]tiny tot [small child]
gastr. vareška {f}wooden spoon [esp. a small one]
zool. kožúšok {m}fur [of small and usually lovely animals]
zool. kožuštek {m}fur [of small and usually lovely animals]
chlpáč {m} [chlpaté zvieratko]furball [hum.] [small hairy animal]
štopeľ {m} [malé dieťa]shrimp [fig.] [hum.] [small child]
štupeľ {m} [malé dieťa]shrimp [fig.] [hum.] [small child]
žabec {m} [malé dieťa]shrimp [fig.] [hum.] [small child]
gastr. pohárik {m} [obsah]short [Br.] [coll.] [small strong alcoholic drink]
gastr. poldeci {n} [obsah]short [Br.] [coll.] [small strong alcoholic drink]
gastr. štamperlík {m} [obsah]short [Br.] [coll.] [small strong alcoholic drink]
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