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Dictionary Slovak English: [short term]

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miláčik {m}baby [coll.] [term of endearment]
zlatko {n}baby [coll.] [term of endearment]
drahá {f}pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
drahý {m}pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
miláčik {m}pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
zlatíčko {n}pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
zlatko {n}pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
Michigančan {m}Michigander [official term by Michigan legislature]
láska {f} [dôverné oslovenie]baby [coll.] [term of endearment]
Michigančanka {f}Michigander [female] [official term by Michigan legislature]
Michigančan {m}Michiganian [term used by US federal institutions]
holúbok {m} [nežné oslovenie]pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
láska {f} [dôverné oslovenie]pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
Michigančanka {f}Michiganian [female] [term used by US federal institutions]
chrobáčik {m} [oslovenie blízkej osoby]pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
srdiečko {n} [oslovenie blízkej osoby]pumpkin [Am.] [term of endearment]
zool. zajko {m} [detsky: zajac]bunny [children's term for a rabbit]
uplynúť [dok.] [vymedzený čas, lehota a pod.]to expire [limited time, term, etc.]
zool. zajačik {m} [zdrob., hl. detsky: zajac]bunny [children's term for a rabbit]
skurvenec {m} [vulg.]motherfucker [esp. Am.] [vulg.] [sl.] [term of abuse]
lit. rýmovačka {f}ditty [short, simple poem]
hudba popevok {m}ditty [short, simple song]
elektr. skrat {m}short [coll.] [short circuit]
pravý {adj}legit [coll.] [short for legitimate]
minútka {f} [chvíľka]sec [coll.] [short time]
minútočka {f} [chvíľka]sec [coll.] [short time]
chvíľa {f}spell [short period of time]
med. herpes {m}zoster [short for: herpes zoster]
krátky čas {m}spell [short period of time]
aférka {f} [krátky sexuálny vzťah]fling [short, spontaneous sexual relationship]
film romantická komédia {f}rom-com [coll.] [short for: romantic comedy]
skrátiť n-čo [dok.] [obmedziť, znížiť trvanie]to curtail sth. [cut short]
buchnúť [dok.] [vydať zvuk: zátka ap.]to pop [make a short, explosive sound]
krpáň {m} [han.] [vzrastom malý človek]shrimp [fig.] [pej.] [short or small male person]
skrček {m} [han.] [vzrastom malý človek]shrimp [fig.] [pej.] [short or small male person]
skrčok {m} [han.] [vzrastom malý človek]shrimp [fig.] [pej.] [short or small male person]
geogr. Severné Porýnie-Vestfálsko {n}North Rhine-Westphalia [usually shortened to NRW, official short form NW]
škrečok {m} [obr.] [han.] [vzrastom malý človek]shrimp [fig.] [pej.] [short or small male person]
trpaslík {m} [obr.] [han.] [vzrastom malý človek]shrimp [fig.] [pej.] [short or small male person]
úryvok {m}passage [short part of a piece of work]
krpec {m} [han.] [malý človek, hl. dieťa]shrimp [fig.] [pej.] [short or small male person, esp. a child]
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