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Slovak-English translation for: [people]
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Dictionary Slovak English: [people]

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

hist. aiolský {adj} [vzťahujúci sa na Aiolidu, jej obyvateľov al. kultúru]Aeolian [pertaining to Aeolis, its people or culture]
usadlý {adj}sedentary [of people: living in one place]
hrmieť [nedok.] [revať hromovým hlasom]to bellow [of people]
hučať [nedok.] [o ľuďoch: kričať]to bellow [of people]
zahrmieť [dok.] [zarevať hromovým hlasom]to bellow [of people]
zahučať [dok.] [o ľuďoch: zakričať]to bellow [of people]
psych. blázinec {m} [ľud.] [ústav pre duševne chorých]bedlam [archaic] [institution for mentally ill people]
húf {m} [ľudí, zvierat]bunch [of people, animals] [coll.]
banda {f} [ľudí] [ľud.] [han.]bunch [of people] [coll.]
skupina {f} [ľudí]bunch [of people] [coll.]
tlupa {f} [ľudí] [ľud.]bunch [of people] [coll.]
šum {m} [vrava]buzz [sound of people talking]
šumenie {n} [vrava]buzz [sound of people talking]
hlúčik {m}cluster [of people]
banda {f} [han.]crowd [coll.] [low-class group of people]
partia {f}crowd [coll.] [particular group of people]
opatrovateľská služba {f} [starých al. chorých ľudí]daycare [of old or sick people]
lákadlo {n}draw [thing that attracts people]
zástup {m}file [line of people or objects]
rad {m} [zástup ľudí]file [line of people]
zástup {m} [ľudí]flock [of people]
ľudkovia {pl} [oslovenie]folks {pl} [coll.] [friendly form of address to a group of people]
predná časť {f} [radu, sprievodu ap.]head [of line of people]
spočítanie {n} prítomných (osôb)headcount [act of counting people in a group]
počet {m} prítomných (osôb)headcount [number of counted people]
ľudia {pl}humanity [people]
ľudstvo {n}humanity [people]
front {m} [rad čakajúcich]line [Am.] [of people waiting]
fronta {f} [ľud.] [rad čakajúcich]line [Am.] [of people waiting]
rad {m} [zástup čakajúcich]line [Am.] [of people waiting]
šor {m} [ľud.] [rad čakajúcich]line [Am.] [of people waiting]
zástup {m}line [Am.] [of people waiting]
manipulant {m} [han.]operator [coll.] [pej.] [person manipulating affairs or other people]
manipulátor {m} [han.]operator [coll.] [pej.] [person manipulating affairs or other people]
manipulátorka {f} [han.]operator [female] [coll.] [pej.] [person manipulating affairs or other people]
tím {m}outfit [coll.] [group of people]
práca parta {f} [ľud.] [hl. prac. skupina]outfit [coll.] [group of working people]
skupina {f} [hl. odborníkov, kt. o niečom diskutovať]panel [group of people gathered to discuss an issue]
štvorica {f}quartet [group of four people]
fronta {f} [ľud.] [rad čakajúcich]queue [Br.] [of people waiting]
útulok {m} [pre bezdomovcov, opustené zvieratá ap.]shelter [for homeless people, abandoned animals etc.]
zabíjanie {n} [zvierat aj ľudí]slaughter [of animals and people]
masaker {m} [aj: masakra]slaughter [of people]
masakra {f} [aj: masaker]slaughter [of people]
vraždenie {n} [ľudí]slaughter [of people]
skupina {f}troop [group of people]
tlupa {f}troop [group of people]
2 Words: Others
premrznutý na kosť {adj} [idióm]frozen stiff [fig.] [of people]
Ahojte!Hello there! [said to two or more people]
2 Words: Verbs
predbehnúť sa [dok.]to push in [Br.] [in front of other people]
predbiehať sa [nedok.]to push in [Br.] [in front of other people]
vyhrnúť sa [dok.] [o ľuďoch: odniekiaľ al. niekam]to spill (out) [of people]
vyvaliť sa [dok.] [o ľuďoch: odniekiaľ al. niekam]to spill (out) [of people]
2 Words: Nouns
kamufláž {f}cover-up [attempt to prevent people from discovering the truth]
maskovanie {n}cover-up [attempt to prevent people from discovering the truth]
pokus {m} o ututlaniecover-up [attempt to prevent people from discovering the truth]
opatrovateľská služba {f} [starých al. chorých ľudí]day care [of old or sick people]
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