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Anglicko-slovenský slovník

Slovak-English translation for: [area]
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Dictionary Slovak English: [area]

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

oblasť {f}belt [area]
zóna {f}belt [area]
pásmo {n}belt [narrow area]
hydrol. povodie {n} [rieky]catchment [catchment area]
vidiek {m}country [countryside, rural area]
sociol. vidiečan {m}countryman [person living in a rural area]
sociol. vidiečanka {f}countrywoman [person living in a rural area]
poľnoh. lúka {f} [ako pasienok pre zvieratá]field [area for animals to feed on grass]
poľnoh. pasienok {m}field [area for animals to feed on grass]
geogr. geol. hydrol. niva {f} [obyč. pri vodných plochách]flat [usually in pl.] [level area of land]
geogr. geol. hydrol. nížina {f} [obyč. pri vodných plochách]flat [usually in pl.] [level area of land]
geogr. geol. hydrol. plošina {f} [obyč. pri vodných plochách]flat [usually in pl.] [level area of land]
pol. sociol. problematické miesto {n}hotspot [trouble spot, area of conflict]
pol. sociol. problémová oblasť {f}hotspot [trouble spot, area of conflict]
trhovisko {n}market [open area]
držka {f} [ľud.] [han.]mug [coll.] [area of mouth, chin and jaw]
huba {f} [han.]mug [coll.] [area of mouth, chin and jaw]
papuľa {f} [han.]mug [coll.] [area of mouth, chin and jaw]
ekol. etn. rezervácia {f} [chránená oblasť]reservation [Am.] [protected area]
geol. rift {m}rift [area where the lithosphere is thinning]
tieň {m} [miesto v tieni]shade [area without sun]
hydrol. námor. plytčina {f}shoal [shallow area]
stav. vymeriavanie {n}survey [of an area of land]
stav. zameriavanie {n}survey [of an area of land]
stav. prieskum {m} terénusurvey [of an area of land]
stav. terénny prieskum {m}survey [of an area of land]
stav. zememeračský prieskum {m}survey [of an area of land]
doména {f}territory [area of interest, activity etc.]
geogr. Stredomorie {n}the Mediterranean [area]
2 Words: Verbs
spadať do n-čoho [nedok.] [kniž.]to fall into sth. [belong to an area of responsibility]
spadať pod n-čo/ do n-čoho [nedok.] [kniž.]to fall under sth. [belong to an area of resonsibility]
spadať do n-čoho [nedok.] [kniž.]to fall within sth. [belong to an area of responsibility]
2 Words: Nouns
pol. sociol. problematické miesto {n}hot spot [trouble spot, area of conflict]
pol. sociol. problémová oblasť {f}hot spot [trouble spot, area of conflict]
geogr. Pobrežie {n} slonovinyIvory Coast [coastal area]
4 Words: Verbs
bývať na vidiekuto live in the country [in a rural area]
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