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Slovak-English translation for: [animals:]
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Dictionary Slovak English: [animals ]

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Partial Matches
poľnoh. krmivo {n}food [for animals]
žrať [nedok.]to eat [of animals]
poľnoh. chovať [nedok.] [zvieratá]to raise [animals]
zool. tlama {f}mouth [of bigger animals]
ňuch {m} [čuch zvierat]olfaction [of animals]
podstielka {f}litter [substance for animals to sleep on]
stelivo {n}litter [substance for animals to sleep on]
živé krmivo {n}live food [for pet animals]
zool. živá potrava {f}live food [for wild animals]
ňuch {m} [čuch zvierat]olfactory sense [of animals]
húf {m} [ľudí, zvierat]bunch [of people, animals] [coll.]
poľnoh. pasienok {m}field [area for animals to feed on grass]
zool. kožúšok {m}fur [of small and usually lovely animals]
zool. kožuštek {m}fur [of small and usually lovely animals]
biol. ňuch {m} [čuch zvierat]sense of smell [of animals]
poľnoh. podstielka {f}bedding [straw, grass etc. for animals to sleep on]
poľnoh. stelivo {n}bedding [straw, grass etc. for animals to sleep on]
útulok {m} [pre túlavé zvieratá]pound [place for stray animals]
zabíjanie {n} [zvierat aj ľudí]slaughter [of animals and people]
zool. bahnisko {n}wallow [muddy place used by animals for wallowing]
u {prep} [+gen.]with [connected with persons or animals; otherwise incorrect]
les. poľnoh. zool. kŕmidlo {n}feeder [a container with food for animals or birds]
zool. exkrement {m} [obyč. v pl.]scat [solid body waste left by animals]
poľnoh. dojný {adj} [dávajúci mlieko]dairy [attr.] [referring to animals kept for milk production]
biol. zool. požierať n-čo [nedok.]to eat sth. [of lower animals: damage by feeding]
poľnoh. lúka {f} [ako pasienok pre zvieratá]field [area for animals to feed on grass]
poľnoh. výbeh {m} [pre domáce zvieratá]run [outdoor enclosure for domestic animals or poultry]
bot. ekol. zool. život {m} vo voľnej prírode [zvieratá a rastliny]wildlife [wild animals and plants]
útulok {m} [pre bezdomovcov, opustené zvieratá ap.]shelter [for homeless people, abandoned animals etc.]
ňuch {m} [čuch zvierat]smell [sense of smell of animals]
odchovať n-ho/ n-čo [dok.]to rear sb./sth. [Br.: if animals]
starať sa o n-ho/ n-čo [nedok.] [aj: o zvieratá, kým odrastú]to rear sb./sth. [Br.: if animals]
zool. mláďa {f} [niektorých zvierat ako králik, jazvec, kuna, veverička, bobor ap.]kitten [the young of several animals, such as rabbit, badger, marten, squirrel, beaver etc.]
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