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Slovak-English translation for: [OR-1]
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Dictionary Slovak English: [OR 1]

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Partial Matches
jazyk. nominatív {m} [1. pád]nominative
gastr. nárad. kuchynské váhy {pl} [pl. tantum, t.j. 1 ks]kitchen scales {pl}
jednotka námor. fathom {m} [1,829 m]fathom <fm., fth.>
meteor. dušičkové počasie {n} [hmlisté, sychravé a chladné, názov podľa počasia, kt. býva okolo Sviatku všetkých svätých, t.j. na Dušičky, 1. novembra]damp weather
etn. Hindustanec {m}Hindu [inhabitant or native of Hindustan or India]
etn. Hindustanec {m}Hindoo [spv.] [inhabitant or native of Hindustan or India]
nienay [archaic or literary or dialect]
ánoyea [archaic or literary or religious]
hist. nordický {adj} [týkajúci sa starovekej al. stredovekej Škandinávie]Norse [relating to ancient or medieval Norway or Scandinavia]
otrava {f} [človek, vec al. situácia, ktoré obťažujú]nuisance [person, thing or situation causing annoyance or trouble]
Zbohom!Adieu! [literary] [or dated]
bohužiaľalas [archaic or literary]
žiaľalas [archaic or literary]
žiaľbohualas [archaic or literary]
čoskoro {adv}anon [archaic or literary]
plávací {adj}natational [formal] [or literary]
nič {pron}naught [archaic] [or literary]
trikrátthrice [archaic or literary]
hentam {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect]
tam {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect]
tamhľa {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect]
tamto {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect]
tamtohľa {adv}yonder [archaic or dialect]
očista {f}ablutions {pl} [formal or hum.]
umývanie {n}ablutions {pl} [formal or hum.]
bydlisko {n}abode [formal] [or hum.]
domov {n}abode [formal] [or hum.]
obydlie {n}abode [formal] [or hum.]
etn. Číňan {m}Chinaman [archaic or pej.]
myt. víla {f}faerie [archaic] [or literary]
myt. víla {f}faery [archaic] [or literary]
arch. nábož. chrám {m}fane [archaic] [or literary]
arch. nábož. svätyňa {f}fane [archaic] [or literary]
šport plávanie {n}natation [formal] [or literary]
ničota {f}naught [archaic] [or literary]
odev kravata {f}necktie [Am. or dated]
odev viazanka {f}necktie [Am. or dated]
zool. T
žaba {f}
darebák {m}reprobate [formal or hum.]
lotor {m}reprobate [formal or hum.]
lump {m}reprobate [formal or hum.]
nábož. vikárstvo {n}vicariate [church or parish]
Adié! [kniž.]Adieu! [literary] [or dated]
prv {adv}afore [archaic or dialect] [before]
skoro {adv} [čoskoro]anon [archaic or literary]
dolný {adj}nether [dated] [literary] [or hum.]
spodný {adj}nether [dated] [literary] [or hum.]
filoz. platónský {adj}Platonic [pertaining to Plato or Platonism]
nekultivovaný {adj}unrefined [not elegant or cultured]
uvidieť [dok.]to behold [archaic or literary]
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