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Dictionary Slovak English: [OF 6]

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jazyk. lokál {m} [6. pád]locative
základná škola {f} [v USA pre deti vo veku cca 6-12 rokov]elementary school [Am.] [Can.]
etn. hist. Severan {m} [príslušník niektorého zo starých severských národov]Norse [member of any of the peoples of ancient or medieval Scandinavia]
etn. hist. Severan {m} [príslušník niektorého zo starých severských národov]Norseman [member of any of the peoples of ancient or medieval Scandinavia.]
etn. hist. Severania {pl} [príslušníci niektorého zo starých severských národov]the Norse [members of any of the peoples of ancient or medieval Scandinavia]
šport bránka {f} [kriket]wicket [one of two sets of three wooden sticks wih two sticks on top of them]
orn. hniezdo {n} dravcaaerie [Am.] [of any bird of prey]
orn. hniezdo {n} dravcaeyrie [Br.] [of any bird of prey]
poľnoh. textil. ovčia vlna {f}fleece [coat of wool of a sheep]
úryvok {m}passage [short part of a piece of work]
ňuch {m} [čuch zvierat]smell [sense of smell of animals]
povedomie {n}consciousness [state of being aware of something]
uvedomenie {n}consciousness [state of being aware of something]
rámik {m} [okuliarov]frames {pl} [of a pair of glasses]
blok {m} [notes]pad [number of sheets of paper]
stav. prieskum {m} terénusurvey [of an area of land]
stav. terénny prieskum {m}survey [of an area of land]
stav. zememeračský prieskum {m}survey [of an area of land]
samýall [consisting of one thing only; full of something]
poľnoh. zmeska {f}admixture [mixture of various types of crops, wines, etc.]
orn. hniezdo {n} dravcaaery [Am.] [spv.] [of any bird of prey]
epikurejstvo {n} [pôžitkárstvo]epicureanism [enjoyment of sensuous pleasures, esp. of food]
epikurejstvo {n} [pôžitkárstvo]epicurism [enjoyment of sensuous pleasures, esp. of food]
predná časť {f} [radu, sprievodu ap.]head [of line of people]
poľov. zool. T
frajerský {adj} [ľud.]snazzy [coll.] [said of man's piece of clothing]
švihácky {adj} [ľud.]snazzy [coll.] [said of man's piece of clothing]
súprava {f} [podobných predmetov zariadenia]battery [set of similar units of equipment]
kryštálový {adj}crystal [of or composed of crystal]
notes {m}pad [number of sheets of paper]
stav. vymeriavanie {n}survey [of an area of land]
stav. zameriavanie {n}survey [of an area of land]
zubatá {f}Death [literary] [personification of death in the form of a skeleton]
ľudkovia {pl} [oslovenie]folks {pl} [coll.] [friendly form of address to a group of people]
pol. politické zriadenie {n}polity [system of government, organization of a state, society, etc.]
drogy absťák {m} [sl.]withdrawal [symptoms or period of the termination of drug taking]
entom. robotnica {f}worker [member of a colony of social insects that performs specialized work ]
vykúzliť n-čo [dok.]to conjure up sth. [of or as of a magician]
smrtka {f} [aj: Smrtka]Death [literary] [personification of death in the form of a skeleton]
údaje {pl}data [in the sense of a body of facts or information, treated as sg.]
kašlanie {n} [motora ap.]sputter [series of soft explosive or spitting sounds e.g. of an engine]
zakašlanie {n} [motora ap.]sputter [series of soft explosive or spitting sounds e.g. of an engine]
kašlanie {n} [motora ap.]sputtering [series of soft explosive or spitting sounds e.g. of an engine]
milostivá pani {f}Your/ Her Ladyship [form of address for a woman holding the rank of lady]
Vaše/ Jeho Lordstvo {n}Your/ His Lordship [form of address for a man holding the rank of lord]
hry žaluď {m} [v sedmových kartách: karta so žaluďom]acorn [in German cards: a card of the suit of acorns]
hry guľa {f} [v sedmových kartách: karta s guľou]bell [in German cards: a card of the suit of bells]
hry kríž {m} [v žolíkových kartách: karta s krížom]club [in French cards: a card of the suit of clubs]
hry káro {n} [v žolíkových kartách: karta s károm]diamond [in French cards: a card of the suit of diamonds]
hry srdce {n} [v žolíkových kartách: karta so srdcom]heart [in French cards: a card of the suit of hearts]
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