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Slovak-English translation for: [Can.]
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Dictionary Slovak English: [Can]

Translation 1 - 50 of 123  >>

mrzuto {adv}crankily [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [in a bad temper]
namrzene {adv}crankily [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [in a bad temper]
nevrlo {adv}crankily [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [in a bad temper]
podráždene {adv}crankily [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [in a bad temper]
rozmrzene {adv}crankily [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [in a bad temper]
mrzutý {adj}cranky [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad-tempered]
namrzený {adj}cranky [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad-tempered]
nevrlý {adj}cranky [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad-tempered]
podrážený {adj}cranky [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad-tempered]
rozmrzený {adj}cranky [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad-tempered]
mizerný {adj} [zdôraznenie]doggone [coll.] [Am.] [Can.]
poondený {adj} [ľud.] [zdôraznenie]doggone [coll.] [Am.] [Can.]
poondiaty {adj} [ľud.] [zdôraznenie]doggone [coll.] [Am.] [Can.]
prekliaty {adj} [zdôraznenie]doggone [coll.] [Am.] [Can.]
Ježiš!Gee! [Am.] [Can.] [coll.]
Jój!Gee! [Am.] [Can.] [coll.]
Júj!Gee! [Am.] [Can.] [coll.]
mazľavý {adj}goopy [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [semiliquid, sticky]
gastr. potr. grahamový {adj}graham [Am.] [Can.]
suverénny {adj} [bezočivý, trúfalý]nervy [Am.] [Can.] [coll.]
trúfalý {adj}nervy [Am.] [Can.] [coll.]
gastr. potr. celozrnný {adj}wholewheat [Am.] [Can.]
arch. prístavba {f}addition [Am.] [Can.]
šport bejzbalové ihrisko {n}ballpark [Am.] [Can.]
šport bejzbalový štadión {m}ballpark [Am.] [Can.]
odev župan {m} [domáci plášť]bathrobe [Am.] [Can.] [dressing gown]
poslíček {m} [v hoteli]bellhop [Am.] [Can.]
poslík {m} [v hoteli]bellhop [Am.] [Can.]
hotelový sluha {m}bellhop [Am.] [Can.]
meny babka {f} [ľud.] [dolár]buck [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.] [NZ] [coll.]
meny doláč {m} [sl.] [dolár]buck [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.] [NZ] [coll.]
meny dolár {m}buck [Am.] [Aus.] [Can.] [NZ] [coll.]
kamoš {m} [ľud.] [v oslovení]buster [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [form of address]
kamoško {m} [v oslovení]buster [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [form of address]
poľnoh. ohrada {f} [pre kone, dobytok ap.]corral [Am.] [Can.] [enclosure for horses, cattle etc.]
mrzutosť {f} [namosúrenosť]crankiness [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad temper]
namrzenosť {f}crankiness [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad temper]
nevrlosť {f}crankiness [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad temper]
podráždenosť {f}crankiness [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad temper]
rozmrzenosť {f}crankiness [Am.] [Can.] [Irish] [coll.] [bad temper]
super človek {m} [ľud.]dilly [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [person]
super vec {f} [ľud.]dilly [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [thing]
gastr. papraďové výhonky {pl}fiddleheads [Am.] [Can.]
vlajka {f}flag [attached to a pole so it can be raised and lowered]
brečka {f} [polotekutá hmota]goop [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [semiliquid substance]
gebuzina {f} [ľud.] [han.] [polotekutá hmota]goop [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [semiliquid substance]
kaša {f} [polotekutá hmota]goop [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [semiliquid substance]
šport hokej {m} [ľadový hokej]hockey [Am.] [Can.]
market. R+TV reklamný film {m} [30-60-minútový informačného charakteru]infomercial [Am.] [Can.]
market. R+TV televízna reklama {f} [vo formáte televíznej relácie]infomercial [Am.] [Can.]
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